Investment Advisor Website Redesign
Integrating web development with media creation for increased client engagement

Few would debate the notion that we live in a media-driven world today. So when one of our clients approached us to discuss options to redeploy the firm’s website, the topic at the top of our list was media generation. Specifically, what’s the most effective way to integrate media generation with a firm’s intellectual capital content for inbound marketing purposes?
Online Branding
Of course what we’re really getting at when we talk about leveraging media within the RIA business model is the desire to build and maintain a strong brand to both increase client engagement and build firm awareness among prospective clients. The beautiful thing about the Internet is the manner in which it facilitates the sharing and distribution of digital media in order to extend a firm’s brand once developed. And that’s why digital media and digital assets are the most important elements in a marketing strategy today.
Never has it been easier or cheaper to distribute your marketing collateral globally. We are no longer at the mercy of the major broadcast networks for our message dissemination. Nor do we have to spend considerable amounts of money on physical assets for distribution. Suddenly, the world has become very small and very immediate in terms of message reach.
Media Creation + Web Development
Bringing this discussion back to our services, we consider ourselves very fortunate to have all of the skill and production equipment in house necessary to professionally produce all forms of digital media — from HD video to digital stills to live media broadcast streaming. Combined with our web development expertise, it becomes apparent how we act as a public relations department for each of our clients, responsible for taking a firm philosophy and building and maintaining an attractive brand.
Our clients appreciate working with one firm which generally results in achieving an end result that is much more closely aligned with the original design objectives in less time.
The collage that forms the graphic on our homepage associated with this work example was derived from employee photographs we shot and produced to anchor our client’s “Our Team” section and individual bio pages of their new website. We also helped the firm produce and arrange employee biographical information designed to raise existing and prospective client engagement.
Contact us today to discuss how modern web development combined with media production can increase your firm’s AUM!
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