The richness of today’s Internet experience makes possible a multitude of widely distributive marketing options designed to engage your clients on a consistent basis, leading to higher satisfaction levels and a greater likelihood of referring your firm to close acquaintances. A 2008 study conducted by Advisor Impact found a direct correlation between client profitability and client commitment levels, with the engaged client providing an overall more profitable experience for the advisor in terms of referrals, share of wallet, and service offering subscription. Additionally, the study determined the relationship with the engaged client is characterized by a higher degree of contact, a more comprehensive service offering, and a deeper personal relationship. Similar studies have quantified a target number of annual client touches as 24 individual contacts per year.
We leverage our media content creation capabilities and combine those resources with a dynamic online model that serves to help your firm increase its number of client contacts in a highly scalable manner. We combine the ubiquitous nature of social media with the distributive opportunities available with modern website development platforms, not only to drive traffic to your hosted content, but to provide timely investment and non-investment information to your client base across the multitude of devices being used by your clients today.